
Important Information!

  • The “Global Series” and “Premier-Choice Series” investment-linked insurance products, “FLEXI-Series” investment-linked insurance products, “Capital InvestPlan” and “Capital Flexi InvestPlan” issued by YF Life Insurance International Ltd. (the “Company”) are life insurance policies. Your investments are subject to the credit risks of the Company. The “Global Series” includes Global InvestPlan, Global InvestPlus and GlobalONE Plus. The “Premier-Choice Series” includes Premier-Choice ULife InvestPlan, Premier-Choice Flexi, Premier-Choice Flexi Plus, Premier-Choice InvestPlan and Premier-Choice PLUS InvestPlan. The "FLEXI-Series" includes FLEXI-Annuity Investment Plan, FLEXI-Education InvestPlan and FLEXI-Invest Insurance Plan. However, Global InvestPlan, Global InvestPlus, "Premier-Choice Series", "FLEXI-Series“, "Capital InvestPlan” and “Capital Flexi InvestPlan" are not available to new policy application and are not marketed to the public.
  • All premiums you pay towards your policy will become and remain the assets of the Company. You do not have any rights or ownership over any of those assets. Your recourse is against the Company only.
  • Early surrender or withdrawal of the policy/ suspension of premium or reduction in premium/basic sum insured (if applicable) may result in a significant loss of the principal and the bonuses awarded. Poor performance of underlying funds/assets may further magnify your investment losses, while all charges are still deductible (if any).
  • Although your policy is a life insurance policy, because part of the death benefit is linked to the performance of the underlying funds of your selected investment choices from time to time, your death benefit is subject to investment risks and market fluctuations. The death benefit payable may be significantly less than your premiums paid and may not be sufficient for your individual needs.
  • More importantly, you should be aware of the following regarding your death benefit and the cost of insurance (“insurance charges”) (applicable to Global InvestPlan, Global InvestPlus and Premier-Choice ULife InvestPlan):
    -Part of the fees and charges you pay that will be deducted from the value of your policy will be used to cover the insurance charges for the life coverage and any additional coverage you may choose. 
    -The insurance charges will reduce the amount that may be applied towards investment in the underlying funds/assets linked to your selected investment choices.
    -The insurance charges may increase significantly during the term of your policy due to factors such as the insured’s age and investment losses, etc. This may result in significant or even total loss of your premiums paid.
    -If the value of your policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing fees and charges, including the insurance charges, your policy may be terminated early and you could lose all your premiums paid and benefits.
    -You should consult your intermediary for details, such as how the charges may increase and could impact the value of your policy.
  • The investment choices available under the products can have very different features and risk profiles. Some may be of high risk.
  • Investment involves risks. Your policy value and thus your returns will be calculated by the Company with reference to the performance of the underlying fund(s)/assets from time to time, and the policy charges will continue to be deducted from your policy. The return under the policy as a whole may be lower than the return of the underlying funds linked to your selected investment choices, due to the various fees and charges levied by the Company on your policy. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  • Please do not rely on this material alone. You should read this in conjunction with the offering documents (consisting of the “Product Key Facts and Product Brochure” and the “Investment Choice Brochure”) of the relevant products and the offering documents of the respective underlying funds involved for details, including charges and risk factors.
  • You should consider your own investment objective, your personal financial circumstances and risk tolerance level before making any investment decision. The final decision is yours.

This website contains general information and is for reference only. The data and information contained in this website was obtained from sources that the Company considers reliable. The Company makes no warranty or representation as to the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the data and information from the source of a third party. We do not warrant that the investment choices or investment-linked insurance products shown on this website completely meets your investment needs, objective and risk-tolerance level. Should you make your investment decision relying upon the information shown on this website, you do so at your own risk. Any person considering an investment should seek independent advice on the suitability or otherwise on the particular investment. All consultants of YF Life Insurance International Ltd . are prohibited from providing customers or potential customers with investment advice of any kind, including but not limited to investment choice selection and allocation. Customers should make their own investment decisions and bear the inherent risks independently.

Investment involves risks. The unit price of investment choices may go down as well as up. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For details of the products, including charges and risk factors, and the relevant charges of the investment choices, please refer to the offering documents of the respective products.

Remarks for Global Series and Premier-Choice Series Products:
All investment choices are denominated in US Dollar, although the underlying funds of the following investment choices are denominated in other currencies (non-USD). As such, the performance of the investment choice which is calculated in US Dollar, may be different from that of the underlying fund which is calculated in its own currency, and the unit price of investment choice may vary from that of the underlying fund. The performance of the following investment choices may be subject to potential gain or loss due to any exchange-rate fluctuation.

AGJAU YF Life Aberdeen Standard SICAV I - Japanese Equity Fund
BAEUU YF Life Baring Europe Select Trust
BAGGU YF Life Baring German Growth Trust Class A USD Acc*
BPAQU YF Life BNP Paribas Funds Aqua
BPIBU YF Life BNP Paribas Funds Global Inflation-Linked Bond
FIACU YF Life Fidelity Australian Dollar Cash Fund
FIAUU YF Life Fidelity Australian Diversified Equity Fund "A" Shares
FICIU YF Life Fidelity Sustainable Consumer Brands Fund "A" Shares
FIEGU YF Life Fidelity European Growth Fund "A" Shares
FIFSU YF Life Fidelity Global Financial Services Fund "A" Shares
FISBU YF Life Fidelity Flexible Bond Fund "A" Shares
FTEEU YF Life Franklin Templeton Eastern Europe Fund "A(acc)" Shares
INPEU YF Life Invesco Pan European Equity Fund A (Adis)
JFACU YF Life JPMorgan Asian Smaller Companies Fund
MLEEU YF Life BlackRock Global Funds - Emerging Europe Fund Class "A"
MLESU YF Life BlackRock Global Funds - European Special Situations Fund Class "A"
MLJOU YF Life BlackRock Global Funds - Japan Small & MidCap Opportunities Fund Class "A"
SCEBU YF Life Schroder ISF EURO Bond "A1" Shares
SCEEU YF Life Schroder EURO Equity Fund "A1" Shares
SCHBU YF Life Schroder Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund "A1" Accumulation Shares
SCHDU YF Life Schroder HK Money Market Fund

YF Life Schroder Hong Kong Equity Fund "A1" Shares

*Although the underlying fund of this investment choice is denominated in USD, it may be susceptible to currency risk as its base currency is EUR.

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