Corporate Social Responsibility



Joining the HKFI Insurance Industry Climate Charter to proactively address climate change



Christmas Cookies Blessings with Social Enterprise


Love Teeth Day 2023


Dress Casual Day 2023


Green Low Carbon Day 2023


Earth Hour 2023


Hong Kong Money Month 2023

The Hong Kong Money Month is an annual territory-wide campaign led by the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), which aims to promote digital financial literacy among the public and help people acquire the necessary skills and know-how to effectively harness digital facilities to manage their finances. As a member of the financial services sector, YF Life fully supports Hong Kong Money Month 2023. Living the core value of “Human-Centered and Technology Empowerment”, YF Life is committed to continuous innovation and accelerating digital transformation to take customer experience to the next level. Our info-service app YFLink enables customers to manage their insurance policies anytime, anywhere, and the iWealth and iFinance app make financial planning a breeze.

Echoing this year’s theme - “Be a digital finance hero” - IFEC is encouraging us all to take action to acquire new skills and expertise through a series of online resources and tools, to understand the benefits and risks of using digital financial products and services, to be vigilant about online financial scams, and to apply these attributes toward achieving financial goals for oneself and one’s family.

Click here to learn more about the activities schedules for Hong Kong Money Month 2023!

Remark: Hong Kong Money Month, which debuted in 2017, is an annual territory-wide campaign led by the Investor and Financial Education Council. Through this four-week campaign, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, including students, parents, adults, retirees, the underprivileged, etc., may discover new opportunities to learn about financial planning and money management.


Donation to Help Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria



Hong Kong Money Month 2022

As one of the main supporters of the Hong Kong Money Month 2022 coordinated by the Investor and Financial Education Council (“IFEC”), YF Life is totally committed to delivering innovative and technology-enhanced one-stop risk- and wealth-management solutions. This fits perfectly with IFEC’s vision, which is to assist the public with better financial planning and money management.

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals are finding new ways to adapt to the new normal, and this presents a good opportunity to review how we can improve our well-being, and in particular, our financial wellness. Echoing the theme of Hong Kong Money Month 2022, “Invest in Yourself”, IFEC is encouraging us all to take action to gain new skills and knowledge through a series of online activities, cultivate good investment and money-management habits, and start setting financial goals for oneself and one’s family.

Click here to learn more about the activities of Hong Kong Money Month 2022!

Remark: The Hong Kong Money Month, debuted in 2017, is an annual territory-wide campaign led by the Investor and Financial Education Council. Through this four-week campaign, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, including students, parents, adults, retirees, the under privileged, etc., may find many opportunities to learn about financial planning and money management.



Wealth Management Tips for You and Me!

The Monetary Authority of Macao (“AMCM”) has developed a series of short educational videos* designed to help us better understand money matters by providing us with tips on wealth management. Let’s take a look!

* available in Cantonese only

Wealth Management

Smart financial management is not just about scrimping and saving, but also about effective financial management, so as to achieve the financial objectives of wealth protection, accumulation, and distribution. Registered financial institutions offer personalized financial planning services, such as wealth management advice, tax arrangements, and retirement planning, all based on customers’ financial needs, life goals, and risk tolerance levels. Click here to learn more!

Due Diligence

You may sometimes query the reasons behind the collection of personal information when requesting certain financial services. In fact, it is the duty of financial institutions to verify customers’ identities and personal information in order to protect customers’ interests and avoid unauthorized access to your accounts by third parties, which may lead to financial losses. Click here to learn more!

Benefit Illustrations for Life Insurance Plan

When choosing a life insurance plan, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features and the non-guaranteed dividend / bonus fulfillment ratio, as well as the historical pay-out performance of the life insurance products, before making your decision. It is advisable to browse the relevant information on insurance company websites or talk to your insurance consultant. Click here to learn more!

Wealth ManagementDue Diligence Benefit Illustrations for Life Insurance Plan

Hong Kong Money Month 2021

As a technology-enhanced financial institution, YF Life is a staunch supporter of Hong Kong Money Month 2021, a month-long campaign led by the Investor and Financial Education Council (“IFEC”) to raise the public’s awareness of key aspects of financial management.

The pandemic has accelerated our adoption of digital connectivity, with people spending more time online to manage their financies as well as their daily lives. Responding to this trend, IFEC’s theme this year is “Digital Finance 360° Opportunities and Risks”, where a range of institutions are joining hands to share important information on how we can enjoy the convenience of new technologies, while making wise and informed financial decisions, especially in the area of money management, digital investment, and scam prevention.

Click here to learn more!

Remark: The Hong Kong Money Month, debuted in 2017, is an annual territory-wide campaign led by the Investor and Financial Education Council. Through this four-week campaign, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, including students, parents, adults, retirees, the under privileged, etc., may find many opportunities to learn about financial planning and money management.



Love Teeth Day 2020

Tooth cannot heal itself or regrow, thus, keeping good oral hygiene can help you to keep your teeth as you age. Consultants and staff of YF Life shared the same belief and supported the “Love Teeth Day” (held on 2nd December), which was jointly organized by the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Dental Association and Oral Health Education Division of the Department of Health, to help raise fund to enhance “Oral Health Services” provided by the Community Chest of Hong Kong’s social welfare member agencies.

Nevertheless, a “Love Teeth Day Pack” was offered to donors as a token of gratitude to their kind gesture.

Remark: “Love Teeth Day” aims to draw public attention to dental care and oral health, and to raise funds for the needy. This year, with the support from over 360 organizations, HK$2.2 million has been raised to enhance “Oral Health Services”.

With the grin on their faces, colleagues are happy to receive the “Love Teeth Day Pack” as a Christmas present. With the grin on their faces, colleagues are happy to receive the “Love Teeth Day Pack” as a Christmas present. The “Love Teeth Day Pack” is loaded with a variety of oral care products!

Dress Causal Day 2020

Consultants and staff of YF Life supported the Dress Casual Day 2020 enthusiastically on 29 October, either working from home or at the office. All donations have been passed on in full to over 160 social welfare member agencies of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, to support 6 major areas of social services, including children & youth, elderly, family & child welfare, medical & health, rehabilitation & aftercare, and community development.

Remark: With the concept originated from the United States, the Dress Causal Day was introduced in Hong Kong in 1993. The Dress Causal Day 2020 has received support from over 850 schools and organizations with more than 220,000 participants.

The Community Chest of Hong Kong adopted the theme “We We Wear Wear” this year to remind everyone to have fun and stay positive.

Action for Sight 2020

The eyes are the window of the soul, and we perceive most of our impressions by means of sight. At YF Life, we joined hands with our consultants and staff to support the Action for Sight 2020, organized by Orbis Macau, to open the eyes of some 253 million visually impaired, as well as to spread the words about the importance of keeping our eyes healthy.

Remarks: World Sight Day, held on the second Thursday of each October, is an event initiated by the World Health Organization and leading blindness prevention organizations like Orbis.

Colleagues who supported the "Action for Sight 2020" are all very excited to receive a commemorative pin from Orbis Macau!

Green Low Carbon Day 2020

YF Life advocates green living. Our consultants and members of staff enthusiastically supported the “Green Low Carbon Day 2020” organized by The Community Chest of Hong Kong. Each participant could enjoy unlimited rides on the MTR on 28th and 29th June 2020 with the “Green Low Carbon Day Commemorative Ticket”.

The purpose of “Green Low Carbon Day 2020” is not only to promote green living in our community, but also to raise funds (without any deduction of administrative costs) to benefit the many Chest-subvented “Green Related Projects” that provide food rescue and assistance, redistribution of community resources, urban green and organic farm programs, aiming at developing public awareness and understanding of sustainable development while extending care to the needy.

Remarks: Carbon emissions are sometimes used as shorthand to refer to the emissions of carbon dioxide, or greenhouse gases in general. Public transport has a higher carrying capacity compared to private cars, this results in higher energy efficiency as the carbon emissions per passenger per kilometer are much lower.

Let’s “Share, Enjoy and Cherish Green” with a reduced personal carbon footprint.

Food Donation to Food Angel

Due to the impact of COVID-19, food donations are vital to meet the pressing needs. YF Life always cares for the community and supports the operation resumption of the Central Kitchens of Food Angel in early June, YF Life made a food donation to Food Angel to pass on happiness and nutritious hot meals to the needy in our community.

Remark: Food Angel rescues edible surplus food from different sectors of the food industry that would otherwise be disposed of as waste which turn into nutritious hot meals for the needy. Currently 35 tonnes of edible surplus food is rescued per week and over 10,000 meals and 2,000 food packs are prepared daily and offered to people in need of food assistance free of charge.

YF Life made a food donation to Food Angel, to prevent unnecessary wastage and pass on happiness to the community.

WWF Earth Hour 2020

YF Life participated in the Earth Hour, the world’s largest collective environmental movement, on 28th March by encouraging our consultants and staff to support the event by turning off the unnecessary lights and electrical appliances for an hour. The event aims to lead to a reflection of living sustainably and protective actions for our environment by reducing daily electricity consumption, stopping disposable plastic cutlery usage and carrying out a lifestyle to reduce carbon emissions.

Remark: Earth Hour is a global event for energy conservation. It advocates families and corporations to turn off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances for 1 hour at 8:30p.m. on the last Saturday in March every year.

YF Life pledged to support the Earth Hour 2020 and encouraged consultants and staff to live sustainably.An overview during Earth Hour 2020. (Photo provided by a staff of YF Life)

AVS Territory-wide Flag Day

Agency for Volunteer Service organized the “Territory-wide Flag Day” in early March to raise funds for the promotion and sustainable development of volunteerism. The consultants and staff of YF Life showed their enthusiastic support to this meaningful cause.

Remark: Established in 1970, Agency for Volunteer Service is dedicated to playing a proactive and pivotal role to promote and develop sustainable volunteerism, as well as to build partnership with all sectors of the community in providing value added and quality volunteer service.

YF Life supports the promotion and sustainable development of volunteerism.

YF Life has been awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo

YF Life Insurance International Ltd. (“YF Life”) is highly honored to have been awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo, presented by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services (“HKCSS”) in recognition of our continued commitment to corporate social responsibility, as well as our care for the community, employees and the environment.

Over the years, YF Life has participated in a wide range of charity and community programs. We understand the importance of giving back to the community while we continue to grow our business. Last year, we supported the development of volunteerism by acting as the silver sponsor for the “AVS Charity Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019” organized by Agency for Volunteer Service.

Earlier this year, YF Life rolled out various special measures to cope with the outbreak of COVID-19. On top of that, YF Life offered a free Hospital Income Benefit to 30,000 Hong Kong and Macau residents (all non-YF Life customers), involving a total sum insured of as much as HKD800 million. This community-centered initiative lends positive energy to fight against the epidemic.

As well as that, in view of the pressing need for hygiene supplies faced by those who are visually impaired, YF Life has donated a quantity of hand sanitizers to member agencies of the Community Chest of Hong Kong that serve the visually impaired.

At YF Life, we strive to uphold our commitment to giving our support to those in need and generating positive energy to our society!

Remark: Launched by HKCSS in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme aims to promote corporate social responsibility, as well as to foster long-term and strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors. Business and the social services sectors are able to get to know each other as well as to collaborate in different areas through activities organized by HKCSS. This also helps to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society.

YF Life has been awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo by HKCSS, in recognition of our continued commitment to corporate social responsibility, as well as our care for the community, employees and the environment.YF Life Volunteer Team fielded a big turnout for the “AVS Charity Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019”, helping to spread the spirit of volunteerism in the community. YF Life offers free Hospital Income Benefit to Hong Kong and Macau residents, involving a total sum insured of as much as HK$800 million. YF Life delivers hand sanitizers to the representatives of member agencies of the Community Chest of Hong Kong.

Fight against COVID-19 YF Life Donated Hand Sanitizers to Visually Impaired

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the market has seen a shortage of hygiene supplies which has a great impact to visually impaired people as they rely on their hands to measure spatial distance and to read Braille in public facilities every day. Expressing concern about this situation, YF Life has donated hand sanitizers to the visually impaired, hoping to serve as their first step in safeguarding their health by taking precautions against the virus.

Through referral by the Community Chest of Hong Kong (CCHK), the donation of hand sanitizers has benefited members of Pentecostal Holiness Church Ling Kwong Bradbury Centre for the Blind; Hong Kong Society for the Blind; Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind; and Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled, all of which are member agencies of CCHK dedicated to serve the visually impaired.

Remark: In 2019/2020, CCHK allocates a total of HK$296 million to support 163 member social welfare agencies, with 30% of the amount assisting Rehabilitation & Aftercare Services (including services for the visually impaired). The above-mentioned are member agencies of CCHK (Source: the website of the Community Chest of Hong Kong). .

YF Life delivers hand sanitizers to the representatives of Pentecostal Holiness Church Ling Kwong Bradbury Centre for the Blind; Hong Kong Society for the Blind; Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind; and Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled, all of which are member agencies of CCHK.



Love Teeth Day 2019

Jointly organized by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Dental Association and Oral Health Education Division of the Department of Health, 4th December (Wednesday) is marked as the “Love Teeth Day” to draw public awareness and attention to oral health care.

Consultants and staff of YF Life have enthusiastically supported oral health services enhancement for the needy in the community. A “Love Teeth Day Pack” (including all sorts of oral care products, such as toothbrush, dental floss and toothpaste, etc.) was offered by The Community Chest of Hong Kong as a reminder on the importance of oral and dental health, as well as a token of appreciation to the donors for their meaningful act.

Remark: "Love Teeth Day" is one of the annual fund raising campaigns jointly organized by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Dental Association and Oral Health Education Unit of the Department of Health, to spread the message of preventive oral health care. In 2018, “Love Teeth Day” was supported by around 370 organizations and government departments and raised more than $2.8 million.

Your teeth is your lifelong companion, treat them well and keep smiling!

AVS Charity Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019

Being the silver sponsor again this year, YF Life fully supported the “AVS Charity Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019” organized by Agency for Volunteer Service (“AVS”), which was held on 20th October at Tseung Kwan O Waterfront Promenade. The YF Life Volunteer Team, including consultants and staff, as well as member of the Friends of Jr. Space Camp, showed their tremendous support to the development of volunteerism by participating in the 10km, 3km and relay Charity Run and the Charity Walk!

Remark: Established in 1970, Agency for Volunteer Service is dedicated to playing a proactive and pivotal role to promote and develop sustainable volunteerism, as well as to build partnership with all sectors of the community in providing value added and quality volunteer service.

YF Life Volunteer Team fully supported the “AVS Charity Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019”, and helped to spread the spirit of volunteerism to the community. The Jr. Astronauts had a memorable day at the Charity Run & Walk with their parents!Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event! Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event! Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event! Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event! Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event! Consultants of YF Life had shown their tremendous support to the event!

Dress Causal Day 2019

YF Life has supported the Dress Casual Day for over 10 years, and there is no exception in 2019 as we are dedicated to encourage consultants and staff to contribute for a good cause.

With the theme of “WEAR TO GO”, the Dress Causal Day 2019 was held on 10th October (Thursday). Consultants and staff participated in this meaningful event by wearing their own choice of clothing to work. The donation has been passed to The Community Chest of Hong Kong, which can benefit over 160 member social welfare agencies of The Community Chest of Hong Kong.

Remark: With the concept originated from the United States, the Dress Causal Day was introduced in Hong Kong in 1993. In 2018, the Dress Causal Day was supported by over 330,000 participants and raised more than $19 million.

The theme for this year is “WEAR TO GO”, The Community Chest of Hong Kong wishes to spread the message that acts of kindness can be performed in the simplest and most relaxing way.

The YF Life “Macau Recycles Day 2019”

YF Life is committed to promoting green living and community care. The YF Life “Macau Recycles Day 2019” was held on the Eve of Mid-Autumn Festival (Thursday, 12 September) at our Macau Branch Office, to gather recyclable items from our consultants and staff. Thanks to their enthusiastic support, we have donated all the items collected to the Salvation Army in Macau, to benefit the needy in the community.

Giving unwanted item a new lease of life is a blessing to others as well as to the environment!

Remark: The Salvation Army commenced its services in Macau since 1999. The Salvation Army has a church and community service centre, a family integrated service centre and a learning centre, serving the community in the northern district, and operate the Recycling Programme in the territory at the moment.

YF Life has been holding the “Macau Recycles Day” over the past 5 years.Recyclable items such as garments, blankets and electronic appliances were collected and donated to the people in need.

MSF Day 2019

With salutation, consultants and staff of YF Life showed their enthusiastic support to the “MSF Day 2019” by donation and putting on the “MSF Day bracelet” on 7th July in response to the medical humanitarian missions performed by Médecins Sans Frontières (“MSF”) in over 70 countries.

Remark: The “MSF Day 2019” has received generous support from 87 private organisations, 13 public sector and government departments, and more than 5,800 individuals, raising around HK$ 7 million (Source: the website of MSF).

By participating in the “MSF Day 2019”, consultants and staff of YF Life supported MSF field workers who work at adverse circumstances.

Green Day 2019

To promote green living, YF Life has launched an array of digital service platforms, bringing customers an enhanced insurance service experience. On top of that, YF Life enthusiastically supported the “Green Day 2019” organized by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, to promote a more sustainable style of living by encouraging consultants and staff to take greener form of transport.

Each participant received a “Community Chest Green Day Commemorative Ticket” for unlimited rides on the MTR on 2nd and 3rd June 2019. The activity not only promoted green living, but also raised fund for “Medical and Health Services” supported by The Community Chest of Hong Kong.

Remarks: More than $1.8 million was raised and 16,450 commemorative tickets were given out to participants of the “Green Day 2019” (Source: Chest Link, Issue 40, published by The Community Chest of Hong Kong in September, 2019)

Take public transport to support green living! (Source: Chest Link, Issue 40, published by The Community Chest of Hong Kong in September, 2019)

2018/19 Share-To-Care Volunteer Campaign

Agency for Volunteer Service (“AVS”) organized the “Share-To-Care Volunteer Campaign”, which was held on 20th January (Sunday), to show love and care to the less privileged by paying them a visit and giving away “Caring Packs”. Consultants and staff of YF Life supported this meaningful cause by making generous monetary donation for “Caring Packs” to spread warmth and love in the winter days.

Remark: “Share-To-Care Volunteer Campaign” is a flagship program by AVS to encourage citizens and organizations to join hands and support the development of volunteerism, as well as to care for people in need.

“Share-To-Care Volunteer Campaign” is a flagship program by AVS.The “Caring Packs” (contain food, cleaning products and other daily supplies) packed with love and care were given away to people in need. (Source: Instagram post published by AVS on 11th January, 2019)



AVS Charity Run & Walk 2018


Dress Casual Day 2018


Green Day 2018


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2018



AVS Charity Run & Walk 2017


Dress Casual Day 2017


Green Day 2017


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2017


New Territories Walk for Millions 2017

Our consultants and staff joined together to participate in the Community Chest New Territories Walk for Millions. By joining the walk, they supported the needed ones in the society with over HK$130,000 of donation.


Macau Recycles Day 2017

Our company has actively supported green living. On Friday, Februrary 17, 2017, ‘Macau Recycles Day’ was held at the Macau Branch Office of YF Life Insurance International Ltd. and was widely supported by our consultants and staff. Over 280 kg of recycled articles and over MOP30,000 donations were collected and handed over to the Salvation Army in Macau to benefit the needy in the community.



AVS Walk & Run for Volunteering 2016


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2016


New Territories Walk for Millions 2016

Our company actively supports a wide range of social and charity activities in an effort to help those in need in our community. This year, in marking our 165th anniversary, some 800 consultants and staff joined together to participate in the Community Chest New Territories Walk for Millions, contributing a total donation of over HK$180,000.


Macau Recycles Day 2016

Our company is an active supporter of environmental protection. To encourage our consultants and staff to donate unused clothing and articles from home, ‘Macau Recycles Day’ was held on Friday, March 4, 2016 at the Macau Branch Office. Over 300 recycled articles and around MOP30,000 in donations were collected and handed over to the Salvation Army in Macau to benefit the needy in the community.



Community Chest Corporate Volunteer Matching Scheme 2015


Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2015


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2015


Earth Hour 2015


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2015


New Territories Walk for Millions 2015

Our company strives to uphold its commitment to serving the community and supports charity events with dedication and enthusiasm. To celebrate the Company’s 20th anniversary, over 800 consultants and staff turned out to participate in the New Territories Walk for Millions on Mar 15. As a result of our efforts, a total of HK$200,000 was donated to the Hong Kong Community Chest to benefit its “Family and Child Welfare Services”.


Macau Recycles Day 2015

Our company is an active supporter of environmental protection. To encourage our consultants and staff to donate unused clothing and articles from home, ‘Macau Recycles Day’ was held on Friday, March 6, 2015 at the Macau Branch Office. Over 200 recycled articles and around MOP20,000 in donations were collected and handed over to the Salvation Army in Macau to benefit the needy in the community.


The Community Chest of Hong Kong Love Teeth Day



The Community Chest Green Day 2014


AVS Charity Run Sports Fun Day 2014

Our company enthusiastically supported the “AVS Charity Run Sports Fun Day” organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service. On 12 October 2014, our Volunteer Team members completed the 3km/10km charity race, starting and ending at the Shatin Sports Ground, through Shatin Racecourse, returned from HK Sport Institute or Ma On Shan Waterfront Promenade.


Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2014

Our company is an active supporter of the Community Chest Dress Casual Day. Participated staff and consultants were encouraged to show their concern for the needy in the community by ‘dressing casual’ on Tuesday, September 30, 2014. All funds raised are donated to the social welfare organizations in Hong Kong.


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2014

Our company is a staunch supporter of community activities. Apart from generously donating to Oxfam Rice, our consultants and staff also pitched in during the Service Day held on May 18 in Causeway Bay. The activity raised money for the China Development Fund to help improve the lives of over 20 million farmers in China. The activity also helped provide funds to raise the living standards of low-income families in Tung Chung.


Earth Hour 2014


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2014



The Community Chest of Hong Kong Love Teeth Day


Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2013

Our compnay is an active supporter of the annual Community Chest Dress Casual Day in raising funds for the social welfare organizations in Hong Kong. Staff and consultants were encouraged to show their concern for the needy in the community by ‘dressing casual’ on Friday, September 27, 2013.


AVS Territory-wide Flag Day 727

Our company lent its wholehearted support to the ‘AVS Territory-wide Flag Day 727’, organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS). This was to help raise funds for the development of the AVS volunteer training services which enable more people to volunteer and provide quality services to those in need. Not only generously subscribing to gold flags, our and consultants also participated passionately as flag-sellers in Wanchai. They enthusiastically solicited support from members of the public, with the donations going towards helping volunteers provide a wider range of charity services so that more people in need can live a better life.


The Community Chest Green Day 2013


Earth Hour 2013


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2013


The Community Chest "Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk"

This year the our Volunteer Team gave its further support to the Hong Kong Community Chest “Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk”. On 6 January, 2013, our Volunteer Team members, together with their relatives and friends, completed the entire walk, covering a distance of approximately 10 kilometers. The walk started at the Hong Kong Stadium, walked through Wong Nai Chung Gap Road and Black’s Link, then continued down Aberdeen Reservoir Road to finish at Aberdeen Country Park Visitors Centre. The funds raised will be designated to support “Family and Child Welfare Services” and to assist families in need.



The Community Chest of Hong Kong Love Teeth Day


Charity Walk for Volunteering

As a socially responsible company, Our company has always passionately participated in community programs. This year our company also supported the ‘Charity Walk for Volunteering’, held by the Agency for Volunteer Service on October 20, 2012, to raise funds for the promotion of volunteerism and the development of sustainable service. Our Volunteer Team members and Friends of Jr. Space Camp, together with their relatives and friends, pitched in during the event. Starting from Pak Shek Kok Waterfront Park, proceeding along Pak Shek Kok Promenade and ending at Tai Po Waterfront Park, the Walk covered a distance of approximately 5.5 km.


Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2012

Our company is an active supporter of the annual Community Chest Dress Casual Day in showing concern for the needy in the community. This year, staff and consultants once again showed their staunch support by ‘dressing casual’ on Friday, September 28, 2012, to raise funds for ‘Family and Child Welfare Services’ organizations.


Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association ‘Flag Day 922’

Our company gave support to the ‘Flag Day 922’, organized by the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association, to help raise funds for the association’s services for people with Down Syndrome or other disabilities. Apart from generously subscribing to gold flags, our staff and consultants also participated enthusiastically in the flag-selling activity in Wanchai. They passionately solicited support from members of the public, with the donations helping the disabled to live a better life up to their potential.


Red Cross 8.17 Red Décor Day


The Community Chest Green Day 2012


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2012

As a staunch supporter of community activities, our company supported the “Oxfam Charity Rice Sale” for four consecutive years. Apart from generously donating to Oxfam Rice, our company consultants and staff also pitched in during the Service Day held on May 20 in Tsim Sha Tsui and Wanchai to help raise money for the China Development Fund. This worthy cause pilots development programs in impoverished areas of mainland China to help alleviate poverty and raise the living standards of the needy.


Earth Hour 2012


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2012


Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk

Our company is an enthusiastic participant in community programs. On 8 January 2012, the Hong Kong Community Chest organized the “Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk” to raise funds for its 22 member social-welfare agencies providing “Family and Child Welfare Services”. Our company Volunteer Team members, together with their relatives and friends, completed the entire walk, covering a distance of approximately 10 kilometers. The walk started at the Hong Kong Stadium, passed through Wong Nai Chung Gap Road, Black’s Link, Aberdeen Reservoir Road and finished at Aberdeen Country Park Visitors Centre.



The Community Chest Love Teeth Day


Walk for Volunteering

Our company always enthusiastically participates in community programs. On 27 November 2011, Our company Volunteer Team members and Friends of Jr. Space Camp, together with their relatives and friends, joined the“Walk for Volunteering” organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS). The Walk was to raise funds for the promotion of volunteerism and the development of sustainable service. Started from Hong Kong Science Park, proceeded along Pak Shek Kok Promenade and ended at Tai Po Waterfront Park, the Walk covered a distance of approximately 5.5 km.


Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2011

Our company is a staunch supporter of the annual Community Chest Dress Casual Day.

On Friday, September 30, 2011, staff and consultants were encouraged to show their concern for the community by ‘dressing casual’ to raise funds for the “Family and Child Welfare Services” organizations supported by the Chest.


Red Cross 8.12 Red Décor Day


The Community Chest Green Day 2011


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2011

As a socially responsible company, Our company has always passionately participated in community programs. Our company has given the “Oxfam Charity Rice Sale” its full support for three consecutive years. Apart from generously donating to Oxfam Rice, our consultants and staff also pitched in during the Service Day held on May 8 in Causeway Bay. The charity sale helped raise money for the China Development Fund, which carries out long-term community-development projects in impoverished areas of mainland China. These projects help improve people’s living standards through greater self-reliance.


Earth Hour 2011


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2011



The Community Chest Love Teeth Day


International Volunteer Day 2010

Our company continues to give its full support to the WE SHARE TO CARE Volunteer Campaign, organized by the Agency for Voluntary Service (AVS). In addition to its consultants and staff making donations towards the 'Charity Gift Bags', our Volunteer Team and the Friends of Jr. Space Camp also participated in the Service Day on December 5, 2010. After the volunteer skills training workshop, volunteers presented 'Charity Gift Bags' to needy families in Aberdeen and spread the message of love and caring to the families.


Community Chest Dress Special Day 2010

Our company continues to actively support the Community Chest Dress Special Day. Staff and financial consultants are encouraged to show their concern for the community by ‘dressing special’ and making donations—this time on September 28, 2010 . All funds raised are donated to the Community Chest “Family and Child Welfare Services” member organizations.


Red Cross 8.12 Red Décor Day


3 July AVS Territory-wide Flag Day


The Community Chest Green Day 2010


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2010

Our company once again pitched in with full support for the "Oxfam Charity Rice Sale," now in its 14th year. Our company consultants and staff made generous donations for "Oxfam Rice" and pitched during the Service Day held Sunday May 16 in Causeway Bay. The charity sale helps raise money for the China Development Fund which carries out long-term community-development projects in impoverished areas of mainland China. These projects help improve people’s living standards through greater self-reliance.


The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day 2010


International Volunteer Day 2009

Our company conducts itself with full corporate social responsibility and actively participates in many kinds of community program. For a number of years, Our company has given its full support to the WE SHARE TO CARE Volunteer Campaign, organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS). This year, the Company continued to pitch in to give full support to this meaningful activity by encouraging its consultants and staff to make donations towards the 'Charity Gift Bags' and by delegating the our Volunteer Team and the Friends of Jr. Space Camp to participate in the Service Day on January 31, 2010 (Sunday). After the volunteer skills training workshop, volunteers presented 'Charity Gift Bags' to needy families in Sham Shui Po District and spread the message of love and caring to the families, thereby showing their concern for underprivileged families and individuals.



The Community Chest Love Teeth Day


New Territories Walk 2009/2010 — Stonecutters Bridge

Our company has always been an enthusiastic supporter of charity events, and on November 15, 2009, more than 60 Volunteer Team members, together with their family and friends, participated in the Community Chest New Territories Walk 2009/2010. This event raised funds for the 26 social-welfare agencies sponsored by the Community Chest providing ‘Children and Youth Services.’

The walk started from Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct and continued over the second-longest cable-stayed bridge in the world – Stonecutters Bridge – via the East Tsing Yi Viaduct, ending at the Nam Wan Tunnel West Portal, a distance of about 6.5km. The stiff breeze was no deterrent to the participants who all completed the walk happy to be supporting a worthy cause.


Community Chest Dress Special Day 2009

Our company is a staunch supporter of the annual Community Chest Dress Special Day. All staff and financial consultants showed their concern and care by making donations and ‘dressing special’ on September 30, 2009 (Wednesday). All funds raised are donated to the Community Chest “Family and Child Welfare Services” member organizations.


Red Cross 8.12 Red Décor Day

On August 12, 2009, Our company was a keen supporter of "8.12 Red Décor Day", an event held to raise funds for the Hong Kong Red Cross. The day also commemorates the Four Geneva Conventions, drawn up on the same date 60 years ago, which grant the Red Cross neutrality in delivering humanitarian services around the world. Our consultants and staff members participated in Red Décor Day by donating generously and dressing in, or wearing accessories, in red in order to experience the Power of RED in commemorating this occasion. The participants also contributed their cheerful “Red Power” to the office for this good cause, while promoting the spirit of humanitarianism, with its message of bringing hope to the sick and the poor.


11 July AVS Territory-wide Flag Day

Riding on the success of the Oxfam Charity Rice Sale, the Our Volunteer Team gave further support to the "11 July AVS Territory-wide Flag Day", organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS), to help raise funds for its operations. Our company staff and consultants generously subscribed to gold flags and participated enthusiastically in the flag-selling activity. Undeterred by the hot sun and showers on the day of the event, they secured many donations from members of the public, setting a fine example in the development of volunteerism.


Oxfam Charity Rice Sale 2009

Our company has always been an active contributor to the community and an enthusiastic supporter of charity events. Our company gave its full support to the "Oxfam Charity Rice Sale," organized by Oxfam Hong Kong, by encouraging staff to make donations for "Oxfam Rice" and by delegating the our Volunteer Team to participate in the Service Day on Saturday, May 16 at Tai Koo MTR station. The 40 volunteers were divided into two teams which helped raise a generous sum in donations from the general public in aid of the China Development Fund.



The Community Chest Love Teeth Day


International Volunteer Day 2008

In the spirit of "It is better to give than to receive", and acting as the silver sponsor for the second year running, Our company gave its full support to the International Volunteer Day 2008 – WE SHARE TO CARE Volunteering Campaign, organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS). In response to the United Nations naming December 5 as International Volunteer Day, AVS has been organizing "Family Volunteer Teams" for the last five years, encouraging people from all walks of life to take part in community service to show their concern for underprivileged families and individuals. As a socially responsible organization, Our company pitched in to give its full support to this meaningful activity by encouraging its staff to make donations for the 'Charity Gift Bags' and by delegating the Volunteer Team and the 2008 Jr. Astronauts to participate in the Service Day on November 30 (Sunday). After the Pledge Ceremony, the volunteers presented 'Charity Gift Bags' to needy families in Tsuen Kwai District and spread the message of love and caring to the families.


Community Chest Dress Special Day 2008

Our company encouraged its staff and insurance consultants to donate to “Family and Child Welfare Services” organizations, and to wear something vibrant at work to mark the Community Chest Dress Special Day on September 30, 2008.


"Space Chimps" Gala Premiere and Charity Event

To celebrate the latest milestone in the YF Life Jr. Space Camp program — its 10th anniversary —Our company proudly sponsored the charity gala premiere of the animated movie “Space Chimps.” To make this event more meaningful and to contribute to the society, around 100 children from the Evangel Children’s Home and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals were invited to attend the premiere as well as take a tour of the Hong Kong Science Museum and enjoy a special children’s dinner at a theme restaurant. The ten 2008 Jr. Astronauts and the volunteers spent an unforgettable day with the children.


Donation for Sichuan earthquake relief work

The 8-magnitude earthquake that struck Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, on May 12, 2008 wreaked havoc throughout the area, leaving thousands dead and tens of thousands severely injured. Our company expressed its sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to the victims and immediately initiated a fund-raising campaign to help those affected to overcome this calamity.

To show our real concern, Our company doubled the donations made by all staff and consultants by matching each dollar raised with a one-dollar donation from the company. All these donations, totaling over HK$600,000, have been sent to the Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund and the Macau Red Cross.

Meanwhile, Our company had set up donation boxes at its Hong Kong and Macau offices. We call for people from all walks of life to give their full support to the relief work for the Sichuan earthquake!


The Community Chest Green Day



Skip Lunch Day 2007

Our company cares about our community and constantly tries to help people in need. On Dec 7 (Friday), the Community Chest organized Skip Lunch Day 2007 to raise money for "Services for Street Sleepers and Cage Residents." Our staff gave their full support to the event with donation and skipped lunch in order to show their concern for the needy. Each participant received a "Skip Lunch Day Pack" as a token of appreciation from the Community Chest.


International Volunteer Day 2007

To show its care and concern for those needed, Our company not only acted as the silver sponsor for the campaign, but also encouraged its staff to make donations to subscribe to the ‘Charity Gift Bags’. Participating in the Service Day on Dec 2 (Sunday), the Volunteer Team and the 2007 Jr. Astronauts pitched in to give their full support to this meaningful activity.


Dress Special Day 2007


V-Walk for Volunteering



The Community Chest Skip Lunch Day


Mid-Autumn Festival Charity Visits


Dress Special Day 2006


The Community Chest Green Day


Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Children Service


Pok Oi Hospital Charity Fund Raising 2006



The Salvation Army Mid-Autumn Festival Children Fantastic Day

On 24 Sept 2005, to make the Mid-Autumn festival more interesting and meaningful for children from low-income families, our company volunteers co-organized a series of team-and creativity-building activities with the Salvation Army. Volunteers from our company and the participating children enjoyed a fun-filled weekend.


Blood Donation Day

Our company steadfastly believes that our ultimate social responsibility is to be a caring company. On 25 August 2005, in the spirit of "Give A Helping Hand – Give Blood" promoted by the Hong Kong Red Cross, our company organized a Blood Donation Day. Staff and consultants offered their full participation in the donation drive.


Po Leung Kuk's Elderly Service

Volunteers from our company visited Po Leung Kuk's Merry Court for the Elderly on 30 July 2005. Volunteers helped senior citizens with their shopping and had a nice time chatting. During the afternoon tea, the elders were happy to share their life experiences with the volunteers.


Po Leung Kuk Child Sponsorship Programme


Community Chest Skip Lunch Day


Helping Victims of the South Asian Tsunami



ACCA Charity Fun Day 2003 - ACCA Rickshaw Race


Red Cross Macau Blood Giving Day


Yan Chai Hospital Charity Cookies


Dress Casual Day 2003


The Community Chest Green Day


Skip Lunch Day



ACCA Charity Fun Day 2002 - ACCA Rickshaw Race


Dress Casual Day 2002


Yan Oi Elderly Charity Walk



Dress Casual Day 2001


ACCA Charity Fun Day 2001 - ACCA Rickshaw Race


The Community Chest Green Day


Thousand-Lady PARA PARA Dance


The Community Chest Lottery 2000/2001



Marcha de Caridade Para Um Milhao 2000


ACCA Charity Fun Day 2000


The Community Chest Lottery

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