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Stand by You with Multiple Illness Benefits

Health is our most valuable asset. YF PrimeHealth Pro (Signature) and YF PrimeHealth Pro Jr. Care offer you comprehensive protection covering 182 illnesses with multiple benefits so that you can safeguard the health of you and your loved ones. Together, we face our future with confidence.

Coverage of 182 Critical Illnesses
Coverage of 182 Critical Illnesses
Multiple Critical Illness Benefit
Multiple Critical Illness Benefit
Peace of Mind Protections
Peace of Mind Protections
Multiple Reassurances
Multiple Reassurances
Care for children
Care for children
Optional Supplementary Benefits
Optional Supplementary Benefits
  • Covers 33 Severe Child Diseases, including Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Severe Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Severe Food Poisoning, Insect Bite Causing Poisoning, Severe Anaphylaxis Reaction, Severe Vaccination Reaction
  • A number of the Rare Diseases which have aroused public awareness are also covered, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • An extra benefit equivalent to 10% of Basic Sum Insured for 11 Rare Diseases 
  • Seamless Coverage Restoration Benefit: No matter how many claims have been made for Critical Illness other than Major Critical Illness, once the Insured is diagnosed with Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Degenerative Brain Disorders or Parkinson’s Disease1, before the policy anniversary on or following his/her 85th birthday, the benefit payable will be restored to 100% of the Basic Sum Insured without deducting previous benefits paid. There is no waiting period between claims
Degenerative Brain Disorders means Alzheimer’s Disease / Irreversible Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders. The Insured of each policy can claim once only in total for either Degenerative Brain Disorders or Parkinson’s Disease.
  • 4 additional claim payments for Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Degenerative Brain Disorders or Parkinson's Disease1
  • Advance Payout Option: Waiting period as short as 1 year
Degenerative Brain Disorders means Alzheimer’s Disease / Irreversible Organic Degenerative Brain Disorders. The Insured of each policy can claim once only in total for either Degenerative Brain Disorders or Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Cash Benefit for Continuous Cancer + Cash Benefit for Heart Attack and Stroke
  • Chinese Medicine Benefit for Cancer Treatment
  • Experimental Drugs Benefit
  • Sperm / Oocyte Cryopreservation Benefit
  • Mental Incapacity Advance Instruction Option
  • Cash Value
  • Death Benefit
  • PamperForAll Extra Death Benefit 
  • Application for the plan can be made from the 22nd week of gestation onward2
  • Pregnant moms can be covered during her pregnancy, while her soon-to-be-born baby can enjoy a seamless lifelong critical illness protection2
  • A new Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment Allowance enables you to understand your children's needs as early as possible
  • Congenital Illness Protection
Applicable to YF PrimeHealth Pro Jr. Care only
  • Optional supplementary “Payor’s Benefit”
  • Optional Extra Cancer Cash Benefit
  • Optional Death Benefit Revival Option
Issue Age (At Last Birthday)
Issue Age (At Last Birthday)

YF PrimeHealth Pro (Signature):

10 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-70

15 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-65

20 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-60

25 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-55

YF PrimeHealth Pro Jr. Care:
Gestation period from 22nd week and prior to the birth of the child (Mother must be aged 18 to 45)

Benefit Term
Benefit Term

YF PrimeHealth Pro (Signature):
Up to age 100

YF PrimeHealth Pro Jr. Care:
Up to age 99

Premium Payment Term
Premium Payment Term
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Years

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