Wealth accumulation never stops
With a well-thought-out wealth management solution, your wealth will continue to grow while you relax. The key to achieving your long-term financial goals is to turn your plan into action.
- The plan offers a short premium payment term of two years
- You can prepay the premium for the second year at the outset and earn interest1 for the first year
1 The interest rate on prepaid premiums is not guaranteed and will be determined by the Company from time to time.
- The plan offers a choice of 4 policy currencies, including US Dollar (US$), Renminbi (RMB), HK Dollar (HK$) and Macau Pataca (MOP)2
- Each currency offers different returns. You may choose a policy currency that best suits your long-term financial needs
2 For policy issued in Macau only.
- The plan is managed by a professional investment team. Using strategic asset allocation based on a dynamic positioning strategy, the multi-asset portfolio is diversified by geographical region and industry across economic cycles to effectively manage investment risk at an acceptable level
- In addition to the Guaranteed Cash Value available once the policy becomes effective, the plan shares the profits of the investments in the form of non-guaranteed “Annual Dividend” and “Terminal Bonus” from the fifth policy anniversary onwards
- Cash Value3 = Guaranteed Cash Value + accumulated Annual Dividends and Interest + Terminal Bonus
3 Net of any policy debt.
- Annual Dividend – Make withdrawals or leave it to accumulate4 in the policy
- Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option5 – From the 15th policy anniversary onwards, you may convert a portion of the Terminal Bonus into Annual Dividend by exercising the Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option
- Withdraw a portion of the Cash Value by partial surrender6 or get access to cash by taking out a policy loan of up to 90% of the Guaranteed Cash Value
4 The interest rate for the accumulation of Annual Dividends is not guaranteed and will be determined by the Company from time to time.
5 After the policy has been in force for 15 years, and within 30 days after each policy anniversary, you may submit a written request to exercise the Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option. The Lock-in Percentage for each conversion cannot be less than 5% and the aggregate Lock-in Percentage cannot exceed 60%. The conversion of Terminal Bonus cannot be reversed once the lock-in option is exercised. Subject to prevailing administrative rules.
6 Partial surrender of the policy will reduce the amount of the Guaranteed Cash Value, Annual Dividend and Terminal Bonus on a pro-rata basis accordingly.
- The issue age is up to 80 and the benefit term lasts for the whole life of the latest Insured
- Transfer your policy ownership to your loved ones by “changing the Insured”7 unlimited times without affecting the Cash Value of the policy
- Change whenever you wish – Change the Insured to your child, grandchild or loved one anytime while the policy is in force
- Advance instructions – Nominate a contingent Policy Owner8 to ensure the policy will be inherited upon the death of the Policy Owner. Prior instructions may also be created by nominating a designated beneficiary to become the new Insured8,9 in the event of the death of the Insured
7 Applicable after the first policy year, subject to the prevailing administrative rules.
8 Subject to prevailing administrative rules.
9 If a designated beneficiary is named by the Policy Owner as the contingent Insured before the death of the Insured, the Death Benefit will not be payable, the policy will not be terminated on the death of the Insured, and the designated beneficiary will become the new Insured. Subject to prevailing administrative rules.
- Death Benefit10 Payment Options
- Additional Accidental Death11 equivalent to 100% of total Annual Premium paid12
10 The Death Benefit is applicable when the policy remains in force. The amount payable includes prepaid premium (if applicable) and is net of any policy debt.
11 Applicable if the Insured passes away as a result of an accident within the first 15 policy years or before the Insured attains age 80, whichever is earlier. It does not include any Annual Premium of Basic Plan that had been reduced (i.e., partial surrender). Maximum benefit amount from Accidental Death Benefit of all policies of Infinity Wealth Builder series under the same Insured with the Company is limited to US$150,000 or equivalent.
12 The total Annual Premium paid is calculated based on the Annual Premium of Basic Plan. It does not include any Annual Premium of Basic Plan that had been reduced (i.e., partial surrender) or prepaid premium.