Yearly Renewable and Convertible Term Insurance gives maximum insurance protection for your premium dollar
Should you need to extend your coverage for a further year, the premium will be adjusted according to your age at the date of renewal. A pure protection plan that you and your family will enjoy financial security for the lowest initial outlay.

- Provides the most flexible benefit terms as it is guaranteed renewable every year up to age 100
- A pure protection plan that you and your family will enjoy financial security for the lowest initial outlay
- Can be converted into a universal life plan or savings plan whenever it makes good sense to do so
- The right to convert without a medical examination is guaranteed before age 60

If the plan is a Basic Plan:
up to age 100 of the Insured
If the plan is a Supplementary Benefit:
up to (1) age 100 of the Insured, or (2) the end of the premium payment term for the basic plan to which the supplementary benefit is attached, whichever is earlier.

If the plan is a Basic Plan:
up to age 100 of the Insured
If the plan is a Supplementary Benefit:
up to (1) age 100 of the Insured, or (2) the end of the premium payment term for the basic plan to which the supplementary benefit is attached, whichever is earlier.