Are you ready for your dream retirement?
MY Lifetime Immediate Annuity offers you guaranteed lifetime annuity income with a single premium, even if you live up to age 100 or even longer. What’s more, the plan offers you a full range of annuity options to cope with your individual needs.

- MY Lifetime Immediate Annuity1 offers you guaranteed lifetime annuity income with a single premium, even if you live up to age 100 or even longer
- The monthly annuity will be paid as if you will continue to receive your monthly salary for the rest of your life.
1. An Immediate Annuity is a contract by which an insurance company will pay a regular annuity payment (e.g. on a monthly basis) to its annuitants for life in exchange for a single premium. The regular annuity payment represents a portion of the single premium and an investment return on the single premium.
- Locks in an annuity rate of about 5% - 7% p.a.2 for your lifetime annuity income.
2. The annuity rate stated is for reference only and not guaranteed. The actual annuity rate offered to the
applicant may be higher or lower and will be based on the annuity rate applicable at the time of policy issue. Upon policy issue, the actual annuity rate will be fixed and guaranteed for life.
- The plan offers 3 lifetime fixed-income annuity options to cater for your retirement needs, with a guaranteed refund of 125% premium.
- Option 1: Lifetime Fixed-income Annuity
- Option 2: Lifetime Fixed-income Annuity – Joint Annuitant
- Option 3: Lifetime Fixed-income Annuity – Critical Illness Double Annuity
- If the total Annuity Income received by the Insured (and his/her spouse, if applicable) is less than 125% of total premium paid when the annuitant(s) pass(es) away, the beneficiary will continue to receive the annuity until the balance has been fully paid.

Age 55 -75

Whole of Life

Single Premium