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Access to comprehensive medical services
The TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan* (Flexi Plan) provides you with comprehensive coverage for surgeries, therapies and hospitalization benefits, plus a host of upgraded benefits. Best of all, your qualifying premiums paid are tax deductible.

You are guaranteed the right to renew your plan even if you experience changes to your health. For extra peace of mind, your coverage will last up to the age of 100
- The plan offers an annual benefit limit up to HK$2,000,000, which will be refreshed annually with no Lifetime Benefit Limit
All benefits are applicable worldwide (except for psychiatric treatment1 and renal dialysis2)
Free choice of healthcare services providers3
Free choice of ward class
1. Only covers the psychiatric treatment recommended by a Specialist during Confinement in Hong Kong.
2. Only covers renal dialysis treatments under the recommendation of the attending Registered Medical Practitioner, and (1) as an Inpatient worldwide or (2) as a Day Patient in Hong Kong.
3. Refers to a registered Hospital medical practitioner of western medicine under the relevant territory.
- The plan covers the following medical benefit items:
- hospitalization and surgery fees
- day case procedure4
- outpatient care for pre- and post- Confinement / Day case procedure
- prescribed diagnostic imaging tests5, including CT, MRI, PET, PET-CT and PET-MRI
- non-surgical cancer treatments, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy
- psychiatric treatment1
- lump sum benefit against medical negligence6 - Other benefit items include:
- hospital companion bed7
- home nursing
- additional benefit for accident
- renal dialysis2
- optional extra major medical benefit
4. Day Case Procedure refers to a Medically Necessary surgical procedure for investigation or treatment performed in a medical clinic, or day case procedure centre or Hospital with facilities for recovery.
5. Subject to 30% Coinsurance, Policy Holder is required to pay 30% of the actual medical expenses as evidenced.
6. If the Insured Person dies or suffers from Total and Permanent Disability directly as a consequence of any negligent action or failure to observe reasonable and customary standards by a healthcare professional of the relevant Hospital, the medical negligence benefit as stated in the Benefit Schedule shall be payable. The benefit shall be made once only for each incident.
7. Subject to one extra bed.
- For your total peace of mind, the plan covers pre-existing conditions that the Policy Holder and/or Insured Person was not aware of and would not reasonably have been aware of at the time of taking up the plan, without any waiting period
- A 'no claim premium discount' will be offered upon paying the renewal premium, provided that the policy has been in force and no claims have been made for at least three consecutive Policy Years
- The discount is a percentage, of up to 15%, of the annual premium for the previous Policy Year
Consecutive years of policy in force and without claims |
No claim premium discount rate |
3 |
5% |
4 |
10% |
≥5 |
15% |
- Your TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan premiums are tax deductible. For details of the tax deduction arrangement, please refer to the VHIS website of the government of the HKSAR at
7. The Policy Holder shall provide the Company with the estimated fees to be incurred as furnished by the Hospital and/or attending Registered Medical Practitioner. The estimate is for reference only, and the actual amount claimable shall be subject to the final expenses as evidenced.
- You’re entitled to receive a free estimate of the claimable amount8 for any potential treatment or procedure before committing to it
8. The Policy Holder shall provide the Company with the estimated fees to be incurred as furnished by the Hospital and/or attending Registered Medical Practitioner. The estimate is for reference only, and the actual amount claimable shall be subject to the final expenses as evidenced.
- For extra peace of mind, you may attach supplementary benefits9 to the plan (the following benefits are non-tax deductible)
- Extra Cancer Benefit
- provides adequate financial support for cancer therapy, with a maximum reimbursement of actual expenses per cancer up to HK$2,000,00010 - Hospital Income Benefit
- provides cash benefit11 to offset any temporary income loss if the Insured Person is Confined for eight hours or more due to Disability
- while receiving treatment in an Intensive Care Unit, this Benefit will be doubled, up to HK$2,400 per day
- Extra Cancer Benefit
9. These benefits are not part of the VHIS Certified Plan.
10. The followings are not included: (1) treatment undergone solely for complications and adverse effects of cancer treatment; (2) cost of surgical procedures except specifically covered; (3) room and board charges.
11. The maximum combined daily benefit from both Hospital Income Benefit and Money-Back Hospital Income Protector for the same Insured Person with our company is HK$1,200. And the maximum combined daily benefit from Hospital Income Benefit, Money-Back Hospital Income Protector, Lifetime Health Protector, Whole Life MediCare and Refundable Hospital Cash Plan for the same Insured Person with our company is HK$2,000. The Company reserves the right to make adjustments of the maximum combined daily benefit without any prior notice.
*YF Life Insurance International Limited is registered as a provider for the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), implemented by the government of the HKSAR (registration number 00025, effective on March 6, 2019).

TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan:
Age 0-80
Extra Cancer Benefit:
Age 0-70
Hospital Income Benefit:
Age 0-65

TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan:
To Age 100
Extra Cancer Benefit:
To Age 100
Hospital Income Benefit:
To Age 75

TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan:
To Age 100
Extra Cancer Benefit:
To Age 100
Hospital Income Benefit:
To Age 75
What is the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS)?
VHIS is an initiative backed by the government of the HKSAR. It is a medical insurance plan that sets standardized policy terms and basic benefit coverage for surgeries, therapies and hospitalization benefits that are applicable worldwide. The plan covers unknown pre-existing conditions, guarantees renewal up to the age of 100, and provides you with a free choice of healthcare service providers and ward class. Qualifying premiums paid for VHIS are tax deductible, at up to HK$8,000 per insured person per year.
Support Document
Other Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Products
You may also be interested in
TaxVantage Prestige Medical Plan (Flexi Plan), TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan (Flexi Plan) and TaxVantage Medical Plan (Standard Plan) are available for your selection.
TaxVantage Medical Plan is a Standard Plan while TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan and TaxVantage Prestige Medical Plan are Flexi Plans under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) implemented by the government of the HKSAR. The coverage under the VHIS Standard Plan includes basic protection; while the Flexi Plan provides enhanced protection, e.g. higher benefit amount, extra medical coverage and a variety of product choices. Details are as follows:
TaxVantage Medical Plan (Standard Plan) |
TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan (Flexi Plan) |
TaxVantage Prestige Medical Plan (Flexi Plan) |
Guaranteed renewals for life |
√ |
√ |
√ |
No lifetime benefit limit |
√ |
√ |
Tax deductible |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Geographical coverage |
Worldwide (psychiatric treatments: Hong Kong only) |
Worldwide (psychiatric treatments and renal dialysis treatments as a day patient: Hong Kong only) |
Non-emergency treatment: Asia Emergency treatment: Worldwide (psychiatric treatments and room level downgrade cash benefit in Hong Kong: Hong Kong only) |
Coverage of unknown pre-existing conditions |
√ (with waiting period) |
√ (without waiting period) |
√ (without waiting period) |
No claim premium discount |
√ |
√ |
Choice of plan level |
√ |
Choice of deductible |
√ |
Optional extra major medical benefit |
√ |
No restriction to the choice of healthcare service provider |
√ |
√ |
√ (room level downgrade cash benefit in Hong Kong: private Hospital in Hong Kong only) |
No restriction to the choice of ward class |
√ |
√ |
Actual medical expenses covered and reimbursed by the plan include: |
(I) Basic benefits |
Hospitalization and surgery fees |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Day case procedure |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Pre- and post-confinement / day case procedure outpatient care |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Prescribed non-surgical cancer treatments |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Psychiatric treatments |
√ |
√ |
√ |
(II) Enhanced benefits |
Private nurse's fee |
√ |
Home nursing |
√ |
√ |
Hospital companion bed |
√ |
Renal dialysis |
√ |
√ |
Reconstructive surgery benefit |
√ |
Pregnancy complications benefit |
√ |
Medical appliances |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Transplantation surgery expenses for Living Donor |
√ |
Rehabilitation Centre and related treatment |
√ |
Ancillary service |
√ |
Hospice care |
√ |
Emergency outpatient treatment benefit |
√ |
Emergency dental benefit |
√ |
(III) Other benefits |
Day surgery cash benefit |
√ |
Room level downgrade cash benefit in Hong Kong |
√ |
Additional benefit for accident |
√ |
Medical negligence benefit |
√ |
√ |
Death benefit |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Supplementary services / benefits (Non-tax deductible) |
Optional extra services (without extra charges) |
MediCare Concierge Services |
√ |
Estimate of the claimable amount |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Cashless Hospitalization Service |
√ |
Worldwide Emergency Assistance Benefits |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Optional supplementary benefits |
Extra Cancer Benefit |
√ |
Hospital Income Benefit |
√ |
Please refer to the product brochures for further details and exclusions of the above features.
If you have signed up for a Standard Plan policy, the Company will offer the Standard Plan for renewal on the Policy Anniversary Date by default. You are also allowed to choose our Flexi Plan as an additional option for renewal. However, any upgrade of benefit to Flexi Plan requires your application to go through the underwriting process.
On the other hand, if you have signed up for a Flexi Plan policy, the Company will offer the same plan level of Flexi Plan for renewal on the Policy Anniversary Date by default. If you are not willing to accept the Flexi Plan offered for renewal you are allowed to choose our Standard Plan as the fall-back renewal option. You should raise any such request well before the renewal date.
Premiums paid by a Hong Kong citizen for himself/herself and his/her specified dependant(s) for TaxVantage Prestige Medical Plan, TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan and/or TaxVantage Medical Plan on or after April 1, 2019 are qualified for a tax deduction. Premiums paid can be claimed for tax deduction up to HK$8,000 per Insured Person per year. For details of the tax deduction arrangement and illustrative examples, please refer to the website of VHIS at and the website of the Inland Revenue Department.
No. You should claim tax deduction in respect of the premiums paid in that year of assessment.
Since you paid the qualifying premium on March 1, 2020 (i.e. in the 2019/2020 assessment year) instead of in the 2020/2021 assessment year, you may claim the tax deduction for the 2019/2020 assessment year. To be eligible for tax deduction claim under 2020/2021 tax assessment year, the premium must be paid on or after April 1, 2020.
The detailed interpretation of the VHIS qualifying premium can be found in the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). According to the Inland Revenue Ordinance, the net premium for VHIS in every year of tax assessment paid by the policyholder, i.e., excluding the premium for supplementary benefits, levy and premium discount, will be treated as qualifying premium. Proof of Premium Payment will then be issued for the purposes of tax deduction.
Qualified Plans for Tax Deduction |
Unqualified Plan / Items |
✔ TaxVantage Prestige Medical Plan (TVPR) |
✖ Supplementary Extra Cancer Benefit (ECBV) |
✔ TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan (TVP) |
✖ Supplementary Hospital Income Benefit (HIV) |
✔ TaxVantage Medical Plan (TVM) |
✖ Levy |
✖ Premium Discount Promotion |
✖ No Claim Premium Discount |
Customers may make enquiries and lodge complaints directly with us via our customer service hotline at 2533 5555, or through the following channels:
(a) Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) Office implemented by the government of the HKSAR (for issues specific to the VHIS, including product availability, features of Certified Plans and compliance with the Code of Practice for Insurance Companies under the Ambit of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme);
(b) Insurance Authority (for issues concerning the general conduct of insurance companies and intermediaries); and
(c) Inland Revenue Department (for issues concerning claims for tax deduction).
Before a dispute is referred to a Hong Kong court, customers may use alternative means of dispute resolution, including but not limited to mediation and adjudication through the Insurance Complaints Bureau, or other means of mediation and arbitration as mutually agreed between Policy Holders and Companies.
YF Life already conducted a one-off migration arrangement for customers from Apr 1, 2019 to Nov 30, 2020.
Individual Indemnity Hospital Insurance Plan (“IHIP”) policies effective before the implementation of the VHIS (April 1, 2019) were eligible for migration.
The following FAQ are the details of that specific migration:
Both TaxVantage Plus Medical Plan (VHIS Flexi Plan) and TaxVantage Medical Plan (VHIS Standard Plan) were available for migration.